Amazon to make local shops go online

Amazon, for the first time, will make use of its technology and capabilities to enable the local shops in India to make online deliveries, says Gopal Pillai, Vice President of Amazon India.

Company officials said it would help the shops of all sizes to maintain an active online presence and expand their boundaries during this situation of crisis.

The official statement of the company reads,

” This is expected to be a win-win, as customers benefit from access to greater selection, faster deliveries, and additional value-added services, and local shops can transform themselves into digital stores.”

‘Amazon Delivery App’ for accurate deliveries!

Local stores can now use the newly launched ‘Local Shops‘ to make accurate and fast deliveries. The shipments are tracked on a day to day basis. This is to ensure that customers get what they want, that too on time. They also provide extra services like a product demonstration, installation support, easy customizations, and device data transfer, among others.

Expansion of services!

Local stores can even extend their boundaries to other cities if they are willing to do so. They can join hands with Amazon to deliver their order in other serviceable areas.

This program is to be scheduled for six months, with about 5000 local stores in around 100 cities with several seller categories.