How Bhavika Singh is earning Rs 25000 per month during the lockdown?

The COVID-19 has messed up the entire world. Many companies were forced to cut their costs to survive in the economic crisis caused by the nationwide lockdown. Thus, many employees are dismissed for this reason. Bhavika Singh was one such employee.

Bhavika was an HR manager in her previous company. But with the announcement of extended lockdown, she was fired from her job because the company couldn’t afford her salary.

Bhavika is an independent girl and lives on her own in the capital city. Her parents live in Punjab. Thus, it was tough for her to manage the situation without money.

Consequently, she started looking for some online jobs.

Finding a job on

When Bhavika was looking for online jobs, she was not able to find a job that could fetch her a decent amount. One day, while she was googling about the jobs, she came across

She thought to give it a try and signed herself up on and started browsing for the jobs/internships.

Soon, she found an HR internship with a good company that was offering a stipend of Rs 15000 per month. She applied for it and got selected. She was delighted and relieved.

While finding for HR internships, she also found a content writing internship with a stipend of Rs 10,000. Bhavika was always fond of writing in her free time, so she also applied and got selected for even for that internship.

Currently, she earns Rs. 25000 from home. She is highly obliged to for all this. – Find Internships and Jobs at a click

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NOTE: The scope of online work has increased madly due to ongoing lockdown. So, don’t waste your time and make full use of your time by doing some internships.