Can A.I. cure Cancer? 

When we hear the word “terminal disease,” the one that tops the list is Cancer. A second leading cause of death in the world still is far from getting a curable panacea even after decades of research. [1]

Hey! But what about the recent inventions like that of Dostarlimb?

I was expecting this question. Even a complicated name like “Dostarlimb” got to almost everyone’s tongue. And how could it not! Such a revolution it is, after all; there is no denying that.

In what was considered a breakthrough in the decades of ongoing Cancer research, a U.S. clinical drug trial cured the terminal Cancer of all 12 trial patients in just six months with one drug. Yes, that is what precisely sums up “Dostarlimb.”

Isn’t that revolutionary?

Yes, it is, But let us also understand the limits.

So, a quick fact check. Dostarlimb drug was based on immunotherapy wherein the patient’s cells in the body fight the malignant cells. But does that work every time?

No. According to experts, it was effective on the trial patients as they were colon cancer patients. Due to the MMR abnormality, they were more reactive to immunotherapy. [2]

But, this is not the case with other patients affected with various cancers.

What’s the solution, then?

Well! With AI revolutionizing every other field, let us see how far they have reached or will reach in finding a cure for a devastating disease – Cancer.

How far has A.I. reached in finding a cure?

To understand this, let us know what all is required in the first place to cure Cancer.

Early detection? Proper monitoring? Customized care? Precision therapy? Affordability?

What if I told you A.I. helps accomplish all of that?


For that, let us delve deeper into how A.I. tools can be deployed at their best to fulfill customization, precision, affordability, and so on.

A. Machine Learning

Machine Learning is already widely used in robotic surgeries to enhance precision and reduce the error rate.

It can do the same in the field of Cancer-related research and treatments.

Machine learning in this area can accurately gauge the genetic causes of most rare uncurable Cancers. When deployed with a statistical molecule-based model, it can do much more, including precision therapy by knowing different structures of the body and therapy’s effect on the same. [3]

Now that we are talking about therapies, how can we miss upon,

AI-based Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is one of the most widely used treatments for cancers. But, radiation being hard on the body may produce severe side effects – doing more harm than good.

But, when fused with A.I., the side effects can be mitigated, or other options may be explored if radiation doesn’t suit the body type.

With the help of a simulation model using real-time data, one can predict the effects on a body when subjected to diverse outer influences. Similarly, in the case of Cancer patients, a cost-benefit analysis can be easily done, and radiation therapy may be considered accordingly. [4]

Next on the list is your favorite Dostarlimb – Immunotherapy-based medications. But, here, it is not limited to only Colon Cancer but diffused with A.I., emerges as a game changer in all other areas.

AI+CT = Immunotherapy

Having already discussed this, we know how immunotherapy empowers the immune to fight against cancerous cells.

In the case of Dostarlimb, however, it was only limited to Colon Cancer. But, what is different with A.I.?

Well! Everything.

And the key lies in the way Cancers are detected through Biomolecular tests – by tracking molecular changes in the body.

The process allows treatments to get customized and affordable as a drug is what it takes to fix something as serious as Cancer.

A.I. algorithm combined with C.T. scans can be used to see how patients react to immunotherapy, enabling doctors to identify patients with immunotherapy treatment.

The affordability criteria can also be ticked in as, according to Oncology experts, immunotherapy with the help of A.I. can become a cost-effective treatment with lesser side effects and duration. [5]

These are some amazing advancements! But,

How is Healthcare adopting it?

Well! Healthcare has come up with many innovative treatment measures to pace up with A.I. Let us look at a few of them.

A. 3D Rendering -Vaaye Chest

This firm in the U.S. does the job of detecting very small lung lesions leading to abnormalities like Cancer. It is a huge step in Radiology for early detection and treatment. [6]

B. Collaborative Cancer Cloud

We know that everyone’s body is different and reacts differently to treatments. But, what makes them react differently?

Well! It goes as deep as how molecules and cells in our body react to various external exposures. To end this difficulty, an innovation called Collaborative Cancer Cloud is here to provide the best possible treatment through a cluster of molecules.

The molecular level detection helps doctors with a minutely customized plan – expediting the recovery process. So much so that, according to Oregon Health and Science University, it can reduce the time between detection and treatment by just 24 hours! [7]

C. Lymph node Assistant

In the case of Breast and other such organ-related Cancer, it starts with something as simple as a lymph and goes on to affect the entire system.

Lymph node assistant eases the job with early detection by differentiating a slide from cancerous nodes with 99% accuracy.

Besides saving pathologists’ time in reviewing multiple slides, it also helps with early detection – saving the most precious time of patients who otherwise may have known the disease in a later stage. [8]

Ending Note

Now that we know how revolutionizing the impact of A.I. diffusion is in Cancer cure, let us also make it incumbent upon the providers to ensure equitable access.

We have had enough of these disparities between middle and high-income countries in cancer-related treatments.

As someone’s life surely should not be entangled with an incurable disease based on where they are born.

Knowing that it’s not the disease but the cost of the disease responsible for most of the toll – let us make A.I. democratize the treatment of a melancholic misery – Cancer.