Donald Trump to Counter Biden, Struggling to Use Presidency Power

Donald Trump has spent the week of the Democratic National Convention deserting his most significant advantage.

Conventionally, people in his job consecrate the rival’s convention week to bolster his credential. However, US President Donald Trump is flouting the pandemic safety guidance of his administration. Instead of using his power or command of the job, he is focusing on expressing appreciation from partisans to an extremist conspiracy.

It is because of Trump’s unwillingness to share the spotlight. And also because he attempts to shift the November campaign from a plebiscite on his job performance to a choice between himself and Biden (1).

Donald Trump Handling Presidential Campaign

As per Terry Sullivan, the campaign manager of Sen for the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump only knows one way to campaign. He further added that he also found himself receiving similar attacks. Donald Trump barrage the territory with his messages by Twitter and events to attack his opponents.

He also said that such a sort of campaign has worked for him in the past. So in his mind, there is no speculation that it won’t work again. Donald Trump has shredded various other political norms. Hence, abandoning the traditional calendar is not coming as a surprise. It could aid him while he attempts to overcome his shortfall with voters.

The team of Donald Trump has wisely selected the aggressive approach to the big week of Dem. They have dominated the local news by traveling to the vital battleground states’ secondary markets. Scott Reed, the Political strategist of the US Chamber of Commerce, further added that they are within 100 days. Now every day is a battle to win with the small silver of undecided voters. He also stated that the time is one thing that no one can purchase when it comes to national politics.