How to join RAW – Research and Analysis Wing

Some several agencies and departments work together and in coordination with each other to ensure the safety of the country to make it best. One such agency that is working in the betterment of the country is Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). It is the foreign intelligence agency of India which was established in 1968 after the failures of the Sino-Indian War. These failures resulted in the formation of the independent agency that would serve in the field of foreign intelligence gathering.

RAW is one of the most reputed and responsible agency in the country that hire topmost talent from across the country. RAW has a strict rule of not revealing the details of the operations and organizations. With its primary goal to gather foreign intelligence, engaging in counter-terrorism, and other things, RAW started with a strength of 250 people and a budget of Rs.28 crore. Let’s understand how to join RAW – The Research and Analysis Wing, India.

How to Join Jaw Raw Agency India

Till 1983, RAW used to hire trained professionals from other government bureaus, but soon, they opened the opportunities for civilians. They had to complete a foundational course followed by an interview by RAW officials, and severe other psychological tests and interviews take place. The test carries on for a year, and then the person can decide whether they wish to join RAW or not.

Recruitment processes have changed so much since its beginning, and now even civilians who are willing to serve their country can also. The Class 1 executive hiring is done from Civil Service Officers. Then these undergo strict training in Indian Military Academy and all this while they have the option of going back to their old jobs.