Turn your startup dream into a reality at Techstars Startup Weekend Madurai 2020

Have a startup idea but don’t know what to do with it? Look no more and be a part of the Techstars Startup Weekend Madurai 2020. The Techstars event being held at Dot Com Infoway, Madurai, Tamil Nadu from 17th January to 19th January 2020 aims to build a complete startup idea into a market-ready product in the 54-hour weekend frenzy.

The event will commence with Friday night pitches and team creation, moving ahead to developing a business plan on Saturday and pitching your final prototype creation to the crowd and panel of experts on Sunday evening. Overall, if you come to the Techstars Startup Weekend with an idea, you’ll be going with a market-ready idea prototype.

Equip yourself with the right tools

Techstars Startup Weekend Madurai’s event will be judged by the top entrepreneurs & investors comprising of Venkatesh C.R., Angel Investor and Entrepreneur, Kumaran Muthusamy, Managing Director, and Venkatesh Chandrasekaran, Director. Sethuraman Sathappan, COO India at Emirates NBD, will be the guest speaker at the event.

The event serves as an excellent opportunity for individuals & aspiring entrepreneurs to network and meet the right, smart, and passionate selves and establish resources to begin your entrepreneurial journey. It will be giving you a chance to turn your dreams into reality by getting your ideas validated with the very best industry mentors and supporting you equip yourself with the right tools to help build your startup idea.

It’s a Win-Win situation

The perks of being a participant at the Techstars Startup Weekend Madurai include getting an exclusive.co domain including the hosting for a year- FREE!, $3000 worth Google Cloud Platform credits to build mobile and web apps, and $5000 Worth AWS Credits for each team going live within a month. Additionally, each participant will also be provided with exclusive Startup Weekend goodies and SWAGS, an official Startup Weekend Certificate, Coffee, Snacks-available all day to power up your brain, and an unlimited gourmet buffet food throughout the weekend.

Amazed? Then hear this! The winning team will be getting a free co-working space By 625001.in, Cybersecurity support for Product by ServWing, Mentors Connect & even Investors Connect. Check out the Techstars Startup Weekend Madurai 2020 today and book your spot quickly!

Highlights from the TechStars Startup Weekend Madurai 2019: