Top 3 Least-Explored Areas for Startup and Innovation in India

By now, it is common knowledge that there is a simple but practical way to transform your idea into a business. It is known as a startup. We have seen and heard of ordinary people thinking outside the box and ending up CEOs of highly recognizable companies.

A startup is all about exploring noble trends and putting in place an idea that solves a problem. The best strategy is to scour least-explored industries and problem areas to come up with a startup-worthy idea.

If you believe you are a creative soul and could find a solution to a problem the people do not even know they have, this post is for you. Here are three of the least-explored areas in the Indian startup ecosystem where you begin.

1. Government Projects

There is a reason startups tend to avoid associating with the government. The government is generally run by bureaucrats who would rather create problems than solve them.

There is a common misconception that governance is not a business when it is. If you could venture into that arena, you could be among the first.

Current Government Problems to Solve

There are many practical challenges you could face working with governmental organizations. Perhaps your idea for a startup could focus on eliminating the red-tapes that repel new ideas in governance.

One of the most critical considerations when venturing into a government project startup idea is elaborating on how it solves the problem. This means clarifying how the system will gradually disregard the current system in favor of your new system.

Since the government is a delivery of service, your idea needs to be focused on the people. It could focus on improving the efficiency of service delivery by cutting effort, costs, and time.

2. The Gambling Industry

Casinos dominate the global gambling industries. They have earned their position. After all, they have been in business since the 1600s. They stay ahead by adapting to new trends. Today, online casinos such as LeoVegas Casino are revolutionizing the industry with mobile casino games and services.

Potential Startup Ideas

However, casinos only claim a small portion of the gambling industry. Many entrepreneurs have made headway in creating online casino games, betting apps, and games of chance. There is still a lot to explore in the industry, though, especially in the face of new technologies.

Some ideas that have already been implemented can serve as a great inspiration to you. For instance, a video game parlor can serve sporting enthusiasts, but it could be more focused on the betting aspect. If you are good at gambling or casino games, you could make a killing by launching a tutorial app to teach your fans some of your best tricks.

3. Offline Education and E-Learning

Education is proving to be one of the most profitable yet not fully explored problem areas in India. Perhaps this is because knowledge and technology go hand-in-hand. As technology advances, more people seek to learn and use it.

You will probably find ten people already teaching it for every topic you would wish to teach online. However, none of them will deliver the content the way you would. This is why online education and e-learning platforms will never be overcrowded.

Plan Well and Teach What You Know Best

The most important consideration before venturing into online education is the mode of delivery. Think of how your learners will access your content and how they will practice it after learning it.

Consider new forms of delivery, such as by creating an app with offline-accessible content. Since most e-learning platforms today are purely online, targeting learners with limited internet access is akin to carving out a niche for yourself.

Should you plan this stage well, the sky will be the limit for you.


Are you craving for a secret on how to make the most impact on the lives of people? Creating a startup is just one of the many, but also one of the most potent. Whether your idea sounds too ambitious or silly to you, there is no harm in dissecting it with friends and pursuing it further with elaborate plans.