What’s new in Quik.com’s October 2022 Mega-Update? Why mint your NFT Domain?

Quik.com is an NFT domain marketplace offering NFT top-level domains which run on blockchain-based protocols ERC-721, ERC-1155, and BEP-721, BEP-1155. The most recent press release Quik.com's official support issued all the information surrounding the October upgrade and the ones planned for the upcoming weeks and months, which have opened up many features of NFT domain use cases for NFT domain owners.

Quik.com's new "edit feature" that Quik.com introduced enables users to update NFT domains with the owner's personal information, such as address information, URLs, text records, and cryptographic walled addresses. This will increase user engagement and enable Quik users to connect and network easily while enabling them to understand how others use Web3 domains.

Quik.com now supports six distinct blockchains, including ETH, BTC, DOGE, BNB, SOL, and LTC, to enhance the user experience and provide new channels for connecting and expanding to diverse users of various blockchains.

The core of linking and operating all the features and updates is to provide a better user experience with a fluid user interface which is now available with the debut of the highly anticipated Quik API. Next week, the new front-end API documents will be made available for public use, along with the "template builder" and "chrome extension" features.

What is an NFT domain?

An NFT domain is a decentralized domain that symbolizes a virtual website hosted on Web 3.0 in a decentralized manner and operates as a smart contract listed on the public blockchain. NFT domains encompass many available blockchain domain extensions, including.web3, .metaverse, .vr, and many others.

The NFT domain can be used for a variety of purposes, including hosting decentralized websites; converting non-human readable crypto wallet addresses into human-readable ones (for instance, akejuj%gwhfbe#gwu!!@ to mywallet.metaverse); connecting to metaverse properties; hosting decentralized websites for engagement, and storing them as an asset for future use.

The NFT domains do not require any monthly or yearly subscription because once purchased, the NFT domain owners own the NFT domain in perpetuity and are the only legitimate owners, controllers, and managers of the NFT domain; neither Quik.com nor any third-party intervention can limit the NFT domain use case.Quik.com also offers 5–10% royalties for NFT domain owners over every subsequent sale of the NFT domain.

How to mint an NFT domain?

Minting an NFT domain entails registering the ownership of the NFT domain, which requires a crypto wallet, credential verification, and funds to mint the NFT domain.

Here's how to mint an NFT domain on Quik.com:

  • Web search for "quik.com" and log in or sign up with the required credentials and verify your account.
  • Once logged in, make sure to connect the MetaMask wallet with the Quik ecosystem, and then, on the top bar of the front page, click on the NFT domain and check for the NFT domains available.
  • If the NFT domain extension is decided, click on it, and it will take you to the mint page, where users must type in the NFT domain name and click on "mint."
  • For an easier way, if the user has a name decided but not the extension, then just click on the search bar on the top of the front page, type in the name, and press enter.
  • It will then land the user multiple options for selecting the NFT domain extensions attached to the decided NFT domain name. Once decided, click on the particular NFT domain name and extension, which will land the user on the "mint" page. Once landed, click on "mint."
  • Once clicked on "mint," it will ask the user for verification and showcase the required payment, ensuring the dedicated funds are in the MetaMask wallet.
  • Once payment is confirmed, the NFT domain gets added to the MetaMask wallet, where the user now owns the complete authority of the NFT domain.

Quik Plans

With the new update, Quik.com plans to integrate several features into its ecosystem to improve user accessibility and user experience to generate smooth user growth. Quik.com will also launch its own Quik API, connecting all of the new features for a quick, easy, and effective flow of data and connectivity for NFT domain owners.

As Quik.com has also partnered with numerous web development groups and developers to work closely on inventive ways of exploration for Quik users, the latest version focuses on increasing user experience while developing diverse ways of exploring the decentralized web.