How startup jobs platform KillerLaunch is helping Indian startups to focus on the right talent

When you’re starting your company or startup, there are a lot of steps involved in finding and recruiting the right employees. As you’re new to this field, it can be a long and tiring task to find the right employees and spending most of the time interviewing the candidates.

If you’re in that phase of hiring and recruiting the right candidates for your startup, you must be knowing the pain of spending and switching through several websites to find the candidates.

As startups are slowly emerging in India, so is the race for students to find the right jobs. There are plenty of job positions in various startups requiring different skills and qualifications. You must assess yourself before applying to any particular startup job.

Working in a startup can give you a more significant edge over the other candidates. It can kickstart your career with rocket speed because you won’t be working in regular 9-5 jobs, which requires you to do the same set of tasks every day.

When you’re working in a startup, you can get access to a vast sea of knowledge. You’ll be gaining new experience each day; you’ll be learning from your mistakes and can get full transparency in the institution you’ll work in.

While it’s a new experience for you to work with a startup, it’s a unique experience for the company. If you register yourself with the right platform for the right hire, the chances are that you might get immersive support and achieve great heights in no time.

That’s where KillerLaunch comes to the rescue.

KillerLaunch is the perfect platform for Indian startups to find the right hire for their startup. You can get access to multiple advanced features for hiring, which no other hiring platform can provide!

Get in touch with thousands of verified and well-qualified candidates and quickly view the applications in few seconds by applying filters and downloading their resumes. Hence, the extra time is saved from scrolling through each application.

So, visit KillerLaunch right now!

Want to know what other benefits KillerLaunch provides to the Indian startups registered with them?

Let’s have a look at it.

Primarily dedicated to Indian startups.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, many Indian companies have been facing a huge loss and recession. The stocks are going lower than ever. This has forced many startups to shut.

On the other hand, many people have used this as an advantage to establish their companies. While some sectors are going down, others are gaining popularity more than ever. Many agriculture and pharmacy companies are now successfully established.

So, we Indians have to unite and fight this situation with full courage.

KillerLaunch stands for all the local Indian startups. #VocalForLocal, which means at KillerLaunch, we fully support the local business.

Get your early-stage startup to reach great heights by availing of the free premium postings of jobs and internships with us. KillerLaunch has taken a pledge to help Indian startups.

If you avail of our premium membership, you can help with several other great features to make your interview and screening process smoother than ever! Post jobs and internships from any website, directly contact the preferred candidate, download the resumes in no time, and so on…

Related: Startup jobs in India.

Deserving startups can get premium hiring tools.

At KillerLaunch, we believe in equality and help the uplifting those who deserve it! You can get access to premium tools if you pass the following criteria/s:

  • If you’re an early-stage startup.
  • You’re registered in an Indian startup.
  • You’ve ten or few members in your teams.

Also, if your startup has an out-of-the-box idea and can contribute something to our country, then again, you might get considered.

If you think that you follow these criteria, visit KillerLaunch now and give a kickstart to your startup.

Related: Jobs near me.

COVID-19 impact on the current recruitment situation.

The rising unemployment rate in the current COVID-19 crisis has affected all society sections and especially blue-collar workers. According to statistics, India could lose 130 million jobs this year due to COVID status – 19. With more people unable to go to work, all companies have been promoting online jobs and

homework. This new attitude towards employment has also demonstrated its visibility in the employment sector.

Businesses such as tourism, cars, airports, etc., have had to hold their jobs for a while. However, other areas, such as medical services, technology, and health sciences, are heavily burdened with the staff’s great need. In addition to this diversity, shared responsibility across industries, during the COVID-19, HR disruption, and recruitment. Along with making changes in line with the reductions and established programs, companies, and job seekers, have had to return to work and work from home. The Indians were not ready to give up despite the difficult times and turned themselves in to survive the epidemic. As a result, online activities are now gaining more prominence than ever before.

Even amid this epidemic, KillerLaunch has helped many employers move forward with their processes. It also urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Vocal for Local Push to encourage citizens to stand on their own two feet. To support the Indian economy, the people of this nation need independence. KillerLaunch recognizes that the first step in doing this work is to create more jobs. By actively connecting workers and employers, companies can find the workers they need in this crisis. Anyone can find online jobs that will match their skills and interests. This new solution could also convince young people to stay in the country instead of traveling abroad searching for work.

So many good opportunities for Indian startups, isn’t it?

Register your startup with KillerLaunch today and avail them!