How important is domain name for your startup?

We live in the digital age, where the status of a startup or business is recognized from its presence online. A site can do wonders for your business. Within some time, you can convert your website visitors into real-time clients with the use of luring and approachable marketing techniques.

A domain name is the first element of a website. Having a complicated domain name will result in a lesser number of visitors. In contrast, an easy-to-remember catchy domain name will result in multiplied visitors due to factors like word of mouth. Therefore, domain name forms a very crucial part of a startup.

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We at KillerLaunch, a leading domain trading website, will discuss the importance a good domain name serves in providing a head start to your startup in this article.

Related: How much does a domain name cost?

How to Pick a Good Domain Name for Your Startup?

Having a good domain name is very important for any business or startup as it forms the crux of their online presence. These are the critical elements of a good domain name that you must keep in mind while picking a domain name for your startup:

1. Ease-to-Remember:

A good domain name must be easy to remember or memorable for its users so that visitors can revisit the site via domain name search without forgetting the site name.

2. Ease-to-Type:

A domain name must be easy to type, i.e., the spelling of the domain must be easy for average users, enabling them to revisit your site whenever needed.

3. Catchy:

A witty or catchy domain name leaves an impression on the website visitor. Since the domain name is the first thing a user glances through, it forms the first impression for your potential clients.

4. Short:

An ideal domain name is short or within 12 character limit, which assists in increasing the web domain name search and redirecting of the traffic towards your website.

5. Use a TLD:

A domain name must contain the top-level domain (TLD) extension. A user often uses .com as an interchangeable extension for any website link. .org and .net are some of the other leading top-level domains used by startups.

Fact: Many tech startups have started adopting domain name because of its relation with the technical background. Read more about the .io domain extension here.

6. Brandable:

A website domain name must be brandable, i.e., it must be created in a way that defines your industry or startup niche. For example, business tycoon Elon Musk purchased for an undisclosed price for his SpaceX venture.

7. Check Availability & Trademarks:

Often, you land upon the perfect domain name but feel disappointed when you realize that another entity owns it. Research and study about the trademark and availability of the potential domain name earlier, so as you don’t land in trouble anytime soon.

Related: How to find who owns a domain name?

8. Use a Domain Name Generator:

We understand that it’s challenging to be original in today’s time when individuals and entities have acquired most of the unique and good ideas. Use Domain Name Generator tools and find your perfect domain name according to your industry, niche, etc. with the help of advanced AI technology.

Use KillerLaunch’s App Name Generator to find your perfect domain name.

All in all, a good domain name is as essential as the business model. Websites like have excelled in their businesses partly because of their smart domain choice that makes it relatable to users worldwide. Investing in a good domain name for your startup is like investing in real estate. A proper property is a money minting investment while a bad one often is left in ruins.