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How Samar AM and Adarsh Jamadandi’s Startup – Silicon14 is providing components and technology solution to students

Let's uncover the story of Samar and Adarsh Jamadandi's Startup - Silicon14 Inc -An electronic component aggregator helping s
Let’s uncover the story of Samar and Adarsh Jamadandi’s Startup – Silicon14 Inc -An electronic component aggregator helping students to fulfill their dreams.

The Founders and their journey

Silicon14 Cofounder - Samar AM
Silicon14 Cofounder – Samar AM

Samar AM and Adarsh Jamadandi, the founders of Silicon14 both grew up in an obscure town Hubli in Karnataka and know each other since High school. After high school, the Duo ended up being in the same class during their engineering.

Silicon14 Cofounder - Adarsh Jamadandi
Silicon14 Cofounder – Adarsh Jamadandi

Samar and Adarsh share a great synergic relationship. Samar comes from a business family and is an expert in handling business while Adarsh is more of a technical guy.

What is Silicon14 all about?

Silicon14- The Team
Silicon14- The Team

Samar and Adarsh believed in the availability of reliable electronic components and thus decided to start their own venture.

Silicon14Inc is a technology enabling company that focuses on acting as an electronic component aggregator that provides value-added services and also develops open-source hardware for accelerating the process of conversion of projects to products.

Check out the official website of Silicon14 here.

Idea and Inspiration behind Silicon14

The idea of starting Silicon14Inc came when Adarsh and Samar were in their first year of college and were working on a Robot building competition using microcontroller board, because of unavailability of the material, they decided to order it online and had to wait for 15 days. They realized the problem that every student was facing and got inspired and thought of starting a company that intends to create a perfect ecosystem to carry out the technical projects by providing components and technology solutions at both hardware and technical knowledge assistance level.

Check out the official website of Silicon14 here.

Challenges in the outset


Adarsh and Samar faced a lot of challenges in the starting while the major problem they faced was when they decided to sell their products on Amazon, the orders generated every day were more than the expectation of what they could handle, Many shipments got lost, received terrible reviews and ratings from customers which ended up suspending our amazon account with the money.

The Suspension of account impacted the financial status of the company, and it became tough for the company to function. Soon the Duo figured out the ways to alleviate the problem.

Recent collaboration and experiences

The company recently collaborated with technical institutes to help students learn and enhance their skills, conducted IOT based workshops in various rural technical colleges to help students strengthen their skills.

Hitting the first milestone and Current growth of Silicon14

The company has flourished well in no time, the company started with two co-founders and a team of 4 and now have expanded their branches in Pune, Aurangabad, and Islampur and plans to set up another office in Bangalore and Mysore. The company is steadily growing and observed 2.3x growth last year.

The first milestone of the company was getting a large number of customers to buy components just in the initial days of setup.

Silicon14 – The Vision


The company vision is to set up technology, enabling centers across India and collaborate with technical institutes to help students learn relevant technology and skills.
