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Things to Do While Stuck in Coronavirus Quarantine

Millennials are staying inside their houses due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Here are the things you could do from the comfort o
Millennials are staying inside their houses due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Here are the things you could do from the comfort of your couch!

Tired and bored of being at home and thinking when the lockdown will end? Stop troubling your mind and put it to better use by doing some innovative stuff during this lockdown.

1. Self Realization:

Self Realization

Lockdown is the best time for self-realization as you are not disturbed by worldly talks and boozing with friends. Enrich the spirituality inside you by reading spiritual books like The Bhagawat Gita, watching spiritual web series like Ramayana & Mahabharata, and dedicating the morning time to activities like chanting god’s name and meditation. A must-read – In Search of Real Happiness.

2. Complete Various Puzzles


There are so many puzzle games you could play during the quarantine. You could play Jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku, Crossword Puzzles, or Rubik’s Cube if you are feeling extra saucy.

3. Start Your Journal or Blog


It is your chance to pick your butt up and start writing in your journal or blog. You could write about your experience with coronavirus outbreak or anything from chess to cheese.

Learn here – How to start a free blog using Blogspot.

4. Learn a new language

Learn a new language - lockdown

Try downloading language learning apps to teach yourself a foreign language. You are saving multiple hours during the home quarantine. Use the quarantine as an excuse to learn a new language.

5. Try Re-arranging Your House or De-clutter


You could always re-arrange your house furniture, sock drawer to create some extra space. Try to organize your containers and try to match the lids to their boxes! Better yet, you could always go through your junk drawer and supply shelves to de-clutter. Get amazing ideas from Instagrammers like @wehomify.

6. Fix those long Pending House Chores


Now is the time for you to fix that broken door know. You could learn DIY and fix those loose bathroom tiles. You can also try to clean those scuffed up walls.

7. Watch YouTube Tutorials

lockdown (2)

You could learn various new things by watching those YouTube Tutorials. You could learn how to braid different hairstyles like a fishtail, French, and more. You could also practice shuffling playing cards using those tutorials like a Poker Dealer. There are more than dozens of ways to wear a scarf. Do you know all of them? Learn other ways or create your own.

8. Yoga or Exercise


You can always go for those at-home aerobics or yoga videos. You can also consider downloading a fitness app. Get a curated work out playlists to help you lift your spirits while working out during this pandemic.

Try to lie down with your eyes closed, palms up, and meditate. You can focus on your breath or spend 20 minutes sitting crossed-legged. You could do so while at the same time, repeat a soothing word to yourself in your head.

9. Don’t Forget About Self-care.


Get that face mask of yours and moisturizer and give yourself a 10-step skin-care treatment. It is not something you will get to do during a regular work-week. A bubble bath at the end of the day doesn’t sound so bad. It gets even better if you add a glass of wine with it.

Try getting a foam roller and treat yourself with some physical therapy to relax your muscles.

10. Find a New Job


You have all the time now to update your resume after getting a remote work experience; its time that you apply for a new job or an online internship. The best-recommended platform to use would obviously be

11. Make a wish/to-do list.

to do list - lockdown

Think about what you would be doing right now if there was no global pandemic going on and no quarantine. Make a list about it. It includes the listings of all the places, events, concerts you want to visit once they reopen. It consists of a list of things of which you are grateful. Try to get more creative with your list. You can do this by adding your last year’s accomplishments or your goals for the next year.
