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The Healthy Company
Devansh Jain Nawal, Ackshay Jain, The Healthy Company founders

On Monday, The Healthy Company, a Gurugram-based superfood and Al health venture (1), announced that it succeeded in receiving its initial institutional round of investment to 350,000 USD. The round includes investment from several marquee investors from Venture Catalysts, 9Unicorns, Udtara Ventures, Amit Waiker, and Vaibhav Karnavat. It also includes Beardo founders- Ashutosh Valani and Priyank Shah, as investors and Kushal Bhagai as part of First Cheque.

According to a statement, superfoods and Al health venture startup will be using the investment to ramp up the platform. Its goals are to help users lose weight and better manage their lifestyle conditions like thyroid, PCOD, and diabetes.

Co-founder Ackshay Jain on The Healthy Company Development

Co-founder Ackshay Jain said that as engineering undergraduates, they invested in R&D to create proprietary blends and recipes in tasty, favorable foods. They also leveraged their background in artificial intelligence to develop the EVA eCommerce Platform. Devansh Jain Nawal and Ackshay Jain established this startup in 2018 and were backed and accelerated by Gurgaon-based Huddle.

He also added that Huddle’s evolution has culturally been a perfect fit for their lean team comprising young graduates aged between 21-23. And with an entrepreneurial bent of mind and the persistence to execute their vision to maximize the average human lifespan by personalized health. The venture claims to have helped customers across India lose over 1,20,000 kilos naturally. It did this with over 94 percent success rate in healthy reduction of Body Mass Index (BMI) and immensely improved life quality.

President and co-founder of Venture Catalysts, Apoorv Sharma, commented on the investment in The Healthy Company. He said, with evolving customer choices and the overall shift towards a healthier lifestyle, there is a growing demand for natural superfoods. The one that can boost metabolism and promote weight loss without harming the consumer’s health. He further added, The Healthy Company has successfully managed to capitalize on this market, with its assortment of immunity-boosting and weight loss products.
