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How Many Calories Should You Eat per Day to Lose Weight?

We have listed some tips to decrease calorie consumption and improve weight loss.
We have listed some tips to decrease calorie consumption and improve weight loss.


So, you have been trying for some time now to remove the excess flab around the middle. You may also have tried some fad diets to help you lose a few pounds and meet your weight loss goals. You’ve come to the right place if that’s the case-particularly if you want to slim down your waistline without taking a gym membership or costly diet plans.

gym membership How Many Calories

Cutting calories does require change, but it doesn’t have to be hard.

Such adjustments will significantly affect the number of calories you consume:

  • Skipping products heavy in calories and deficient in nutrients
  • Swapping products containing substantial calories with reduced calorie choices
  • Reduces service sizes

If you find you can’t remove enough food from your diet, that’s cool. To compensate for a few additional calories, you should incorporate a workout into your weekly schedule.

Here are several forms you might make it work:

  • Perform 1,300 calories (100 more) each day and add a short evening stroll to your everyday workout each week to remove the remaining 700 calories.
  • Perform 1,400 calories (200 more) each day and add two days a week a HIIT routine to the plan, plus three 30-minute walks per week to eliminate the additional 1,400 calories per week.
  • Eat 1,500 calories (300 extra) a day and incorporate 45 minutes of mild to intense workout per week to your routine plan to remove the 2100 extra calories.

Fact: Lifestyle shift would make you feel good in your mind, be fantastic in your body, be beautiful in your clothes, and be more positive in yourself.

How Many Calories Should You Eat per Day to Lose Weight?

One of the most natural strategies to shed weight is by counting calories. This way, you can also make room for the things you enjoy and add them to your overall daily calorie intake. The average woman needs to eat about 2000 calories to sustain her weight and approximately 1500 calories a day to lose weight. (1) You need to intake more calories than you consume if you want to learn how to lose weight.

Calories are a calculation of how much energy there is in the food or beverage. (2). To lose weight and hold it off, the number of calories you consume from your diet will be matched with the number of calories your body absorbs every day. To raising your calorie intake without getting thirsty, follow these tips:

1. Count your calories

If you want to lose weight, then the solution is clear, at least technically. You’ve got to eat fewer calories than you use every day. Subtract about 500 calories until you reach the recommended calorie range, which should make for a weight loss of one pound a week. But be careful; diets encouraging extremely low-calorie intakes, typically around 800 to 1,000 calories a day, may have significant adverse side effects, like (3):

  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue

Likewise, rapid weight loss may cause gallstones. Women are especially at high risk. Keep track of what you consume every day to help you decide how much calories you are consuming. Make a list in a notepad, or use one of the many free online calorie counters (4). Remember to eat a healthy balance of:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Protein
  • Dairy
  • Healthy fats

2. Things to Watch out for

Although all food eaten in large amounts will allow you to overshoot your calorie limit, some may be more difficult to monitor portions than others (5). Foods rich in fat or sugar, and those that quickly digest may contribute to overconsumption.

cheese calories

Diets like the following will add inches to your waistline easily if quantities are not monitored:

  • Soda
  • Processed grains like pasta and high sugar cereals
  • Cheese
  • Fried foods
  • Salad dressing

Always guarantee you are not consuming food rich in calories accidentally, scan the warning mark on the back of the package. Be careful about serving size. Stop drinking products with tons of “empty calories,” usually rich in fat and carbohydrates, but with few or no other nutrients. Check out these ideas for more on empty calories (6). Check about nutrient and calorie statistics on the items in the meal while dining out at a restaurant. And note, not everything on your plate has to be finished. You can always carry in the leftovers to munch later on.

3. Be smart about dieting

Crash diets are low-calorie diets with a view to rapid weight loss (7). Naturally, they are unbalanced, which may cause long-term health issues. Such safety issues include the following:

  • Suppressing your immune system
  • Slowing down your metabolism
  • Causing dehydration
  • Malnutrition
  • Permanent heart problems, if done repeatedly.

Cleanses, too, maybe risky if performed over a prolonged amount of time, perhaps for more than three or five days. Those are also diets that are focused on liquids. For examples, for many days, people on the Master Cleanse eat nothing but a combination of the following elements:

  • Water
  • Lemon juice
  • Maple syrup
  • Cayenne pepper

Cleanses are based on the false belief that the body wants to help it get rid of toxins. These diets are not only unsuccessful, but they can also be harmful. A recent study found that dieting increased the risk of heart attacks in women by 3.5 times (8). Weight cycling also increased the risk of dying from heart disease of the coronary artery by 66 percent. Be cautious of something that significantly limits what you can and can’t eat or drink, or drastically reduces how much calories you consume. The most natural approach to lose weight is to gradually lose weight, which implies no more than one to two pounds a week.

Some More Tips:

4. Use a smaller plate

During lunch and dinner, putting 25 percent less food on your plate is an easy way to reduce portion sizes.

5. Put one quarter back

Your bowl was packed with cereal/pasta/potatoes. Take out a quarter now, then finish what is left. Will you feel fulfilled at the end? You just cut down on the size of your portion. For cutting down the part of your plate, use the following steps:

  • At first, it may feel harder, but your stomach may continue to diminish for two or three days and can soon readjust or feel comfortable with a reduced amount of food.
  • For a healthy, leisurely lunch, consider smaller meals of only 200 or 300 calories (9).

6. Eat more Protein

Protein is satisfying, healthy for you, and tends to suppress your appetite, fighting off those cravings for sweets.

almonds protein calories

It also increases the metabolic rate, which ensures the body continues burning faster by calories (10). Eat:

  • Bacon
  • Salmon
  • Almonds
  • Cereal
  • Cheese
  • Peanut butter, for a high protein diet.

7. Avoid taking unnecessary calories

Stop consuming needless calories from sweet beverages, fruit juices, and milkshakes. Your body does not count liquid calories in the same way as food, so after ingesting all these calories, it doesn’t feel whole – so adding sugar is entirely useless in anybody’s diet. Avoid the following:

  • Cake
  • Cookies
  • Sweet
  • Candy
  • Soft drinks
  • Fruit-flavored sweet beverages

8. Drink more water

drink more water burn calories

Drinking about eight glasses a day keeps your body well hydrated, so it runs efficiently and can help you burn up 96 more calories a day on your own (11). Benefits of drinking plenty of water are:

  • During a meal, it is always smart to get a drink because it can fill you full and assist with digestion.
  • Drinking lots of water often helps reduce fluid accumulation, as the body tends to feel comfortable that you are getting ample fluids.

9. Reduce intake of Carbs and Sugar

We are not recommending that you take them off completely. But make sure you pick the entire varieties of grain – and appreciate vegetables with their skins on. This brings protein to your diet, which helps keep you going (precisely what you want to get freed of the extra pounds), it also helps make you feel complete. Avoid the following:

  • Dairy. Milk, yogurt, and ice cream.
  • Fruit. Whole fruit and fruit juice.
  • Grains. Bread, rice, crackers, and cereal.
  • Legumes. Beans and other plant-based proteins.
  • Starchy Vegetables. Potatoes and corn.
  • Sugary Sweets. Limit these! Soda, candy, cookies, and other desserts.

10. Increase the fruits and veggies in your diet

Seek to raise your diet’s carbohydrates by increasing the level of salad or veg on your plate to ensure you get your five-a-day meal. The ‘quarters’ theory is ideal when preparing a lunch or dinner: one-third protein, one-third veg, and one-third carbs. Note that as bread hits your bloodstream, it transforms back into flour in your stomach, and it’s hard to digest for your liver. They’re filled with antioxidants but not many calories, so tuck them in as soon as you can. Fruit and Veggies that your diet should include are:

  • Red foods – Tomatoes and watermelon. These contain lycopene, which is vital for fighting prostate cancer and heart diseases.
  • Green vegetables like spinach
  • Blue and purple foods – like blueberries and eggplant. …
  • White foods like cauliflower.


Get to learn how to listen to your body. Eat when you are hungry, stop at full. Stay active, regularly do cardio, and strength training. Watch for improvements in your body and make fitness and dietary adjustments if necessary.
